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Artist:  Pat Lovold

Location:  Cafeteria southwest wall

Size:  90"W x 75"H

About this mural:  I am so grateful.......In my high school years I loved art class with the drawing, painting, pottery and making fun memories.  Being asked, by Mr. Johnson, to paint a mural was such an honor and experience for me. At that same time, I was voted into the cheerleading life as a member of the squad for the William Kelley High Mariners.  What a wonderful combination to express my art talents and the love of being a cheerleader as a tribute to all at Kelley High.  Mr. Johnson was my mentor and encouraged me in all my art work from a silly Yogi Bear painting to the cheerleader on the cafeteria wall at the school.  Thank you everyone for believing in me.  - Pat Lovold Haveri - August, 2018

Additional information:  If you can provide additional information about this mural, please email us at murals@wksalumni.com.

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