Artist:  Douglas W. Butzke

Location:  Cafeteria supporting column

Size:  31"W x 64"H

About this mural:  Comments from Ryan Butzke, Douglas Butzke’s son:

Why his dad chose industrial arts for his subject:  "He chose industrial arts because he was into carpentry a lot in life.  He was a also a boilermaker , a welder, and a maintenance mechanic at US steel for 30 years until he retired in 2002."

Did his dad continue to paint after high school:  "Nothing serious for art but, yes, he painted a few pictures and liked to draw and was good at it and created wood carvings .  He was so proud of his painting in the cafeteria!"  – Interview by Mary Carlson McDermid – September 2018

In Doug’s words from his 50th reunion memory book:  “I enjoyed the new school, small classes with many classes in art and music to get involved in.  Most of all the long hours spent riding the bus!!!”  [Editor’s note:  Doug traveled from Forest Center, MN to attend school.  Doug Butzke passed away in December, 2017.]

Additional information:  If you can provide additional information about this mural, please email us at

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