Artist: Theresa Anderson
Location: Cafeteria southwest wall
Size: 113"W x 75"H
About this mural:
I was always fascinated with Native American history. My spare time reading was usually about famous chiefs. I connected with their beliefs about nature and life in general. I was also interested in other indigenous cultures and played with being an archeologist. I married a Mexican man at 19 and had children. I continued to pursue knowledge of other indigenous people when I went to grad school at UMD. Many of the professors were very knowledgeable about native affairs. I've worked with Cubans, Mexicans, Laotian , Hmong and other indigenous tribes in my career. I originally did the mural because I thought native people had a beautiful life until we came along and watered it down until they were selling trinkets. Today, I'm obviously not so romantic about how it was. I realize it wasn't perfect. However I still feel we stole so much from them. Today not much has changed in many areas. However, with the election of native women into politics I have renewed hope. - Teresa Anderson, October 2019
Additional information: If you can provide additional information about this mural, please email us at murals@wksalumni.com.
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