Artist: Jodi Swanson
Location: Cafeteria northeast wall
Size: 165"W x 75"H
About this mural: I knew from the time I was a young child growing up in Silver Bay that I wanted to do a mural in the high school cafeteria when I became a senior. I seem to recall there being a requirement that you had to have taken at least one art class during high school, so I did in 9th or 10th grade. So, when I started my senior year, I went to Mr. Johnson, the art teacher in 1986, and worked out an independent study for the year. I chose ships because I thought it represented the area, and I always liked the look of the ships with the large sails. Mr. Johnson helped guide me—he was hilarious and wanted me to include that smaller boat in the bottom right because HE thought it was “a cute little boat”. I also included an ore ship of course! If you’re wondering why I named the small boat “Kristine”, it was in honor of one of my best friend’s daughter who was born during our senior year. - Jodi (Swanson) Anderson, April, 2018
Additional information: If you can provide additional information about this mural, please email us at murals@wksalumni.com.
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