Artist:  Lisa Christensen

Location:  Main entrance over auditorium stairway

Size:  96"W x 108"H

I took every art class I could squeeze into my schedule during my years at KHS.  If my memory, serves me correctly, most of the murals were in the cafeteria area at that time.  I can still remember them all distinctly.  During my senior year, my art teacher  Mr. Art Johnson told me they wanted to do a “Mariner” themed painting near the entrance by the school office.  He said he was in charge of picking a student to paint the mural and I was very surprised when he asked me to do it.  I fondly remember sketching and painting the picture with Mr. Johnsons help.  He may have used his eraser a few times as we collaborated on the project.  I am still very honored to have been chosen.

I always see myself retiring with an art room and an easel set up in my home; preferably oceanside… but we’ll see about that.  For now I always hang on to a sketch pad and charcoals, my favorite medium.  Many thanks to my art teachers, Silver Bay community art classes and my family who still think I am very artistic.  And to my classmate Kathy Wilson who purchased one of my oil paintings during our school year.  Still my only sale.  - Lisa (Christensen) Tormondsen, November, 2018

Additional information:  If you can provide additional information about this mural, please email us at

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