Artist: Jesse Fergon
Location: Wood/metal shop corridor
About this mural: Hello my name is Jesse Fergon, one of the artists of a mural. I did mine in 2010. I wanted to do a mural since I was in middle school. I used to walk through the halls and be in awe over the talent and stories our school walls told. So when I got the chance to paint one I jumped at the chance. I wanted to make something colorful , something that could make someone smile or just look deeply at the mural and look end to end at the creativity I tried to show.
I used bold colors to bring out my mural and try to bring it to life. The panda bear is throwing paint at the sun and water blending all these colors together in a playful and loving way. I wanted to bring joy to the person viewing this mural. The koi fish springing to life from the water celebrating the playfulness of the colors. Most importantly I just wanted to show others it's okay to be different and to be unique in your own way as all our other murals show their creativity. I most importantly wanted to inspire others and hopefully these murals keep coming and bring more life to our walls and more life to our school and keep tradition going. - Jesse Fergon, May, 2020
If you can provide information about this mural, please email us at murals@wksalumni.com.
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