Artists: Erika Ernest and Ashley Peterson
Location: Woodshop/metalshop corridor
Size: 89"W x 74"H
About this mural: Erika Ernest's inspiration for the mural she painted in 2016 came from an album cover for the musical group Sublime. “I put my own twist on it.” Ashley Peterson came on board to help her complete the two-month project after Erika sprained her ankle during the basketball season. Scaffolding and ladders were a tough challenge for Erika! Study hall, after school, a moment of free time here and there were grabbed to work on the mural. Erika now lives in Duluth and is in her second year at Lake Superior College studying to become an RN. She tries to grab a minute here and there to work on drawing or painting. - Mary Carlson McDermid, April, 2018
Additional information: If you can provide additional information about this mural, please email us at murals@wksalumni.com.
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