Artist: Andrew Evenson and Micki Fergon
Location: Wood/metal shop corridor
About this mural: Hello, I’m Andrew Evenson, one of the artists of the 2017 mural. I wanted to give you the history on it! I Noticed many of the murals at school were very creator influenced. People tend to paint what they want to paint, and it makes a diverse and unique gallery of images when you look at them all. I never noticed anyone painting anything for everyone else, so that’s what I wanted to do. I wanted to make this painting a mark for my class, not just a cool picture. Micki Fergon wanted to help do a mural, so together we held a meeting with our entire class to vote for what everyone wanted. I’ll be the first to admit my idea wasn’t voted for, but that’s okay because it’s for everyone, not me! I wanted everyone to include a personal touch so we decided everyone would put their handprint on the wall and sign it. We settled on an undersea theme as we are the north shore mariners. The ocean aspect was questioned because we live on a lake, but I feel the ocean offers so many more bright colors and interesting content that it would be easier to paint. - May, 2020
Andrew also provided a time-lapse video of his work on the mural!
If you can provide additional information about this mural, please email us at murals@wksalumni.com.
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