Our gallery contains a permanent collection of photos organized in categories requested by our alumni. We encourage all visitors to our website to contribute photos for these collections or to suggest topics for new collections. Please email your photos and ideas to photos@wksalumni.com.
Bay Days 2019
We had beautiful weather this year for Bay Days in Silver Bay. Your alumni association participated in many events during the weekend. We, again, dressed Rocky for the occasion and built a float to enter in the parade competition. We won second place this year! We also helped North Shore Area Partners with their annual fundraiser and conducted our own alumni raffle on Saturday. Thank you to all the volunteers and participants who made this weekend a success. Visit the photo gallery to see some pictures of the events.
The Memory Wall
On the evening of October 24th, the newly renovated auditorium at William M. Kelley School opened its doors to the public for a celebration of its completion. The WKS Alumni Association set up a memory wall where those in attendance could share their past auditorium highlights with everyone. Many alumni and others submitted their memories along with contributions to the auditorium seat campaign over the past and we posted those on the wall as well. Browse through the pictures of the wall here.
Bay Days 2018
It was an extremely busy weekend for members of the alumni association. Among our many activities this weekend, we dressed Rocky in appropriate AlumniWear, marched in the Bay Days parade (and won the third place prize!), provided volunteers to help North Shore Area Partners, a community senior service organization, with their annual fundraiser, and ran our raffle and table to raise awareness of the William M. Kelley Alumni Association. This gallery includes photos of our weekend events.
Renovation of the School Auditorium!
Renovation of the William M. Kelley School auditorium began on June 11, 2018. Thanks to the generous financial support of alumni, community members and charitable foundations, this project not only includes replacement of the auditorium seating. Improvements will be made to lighting, sound, and aesthetics of the auditorium. The initial phase of the project was to remove all the existing auditorium seating and was accomplished through the hard work of school staff and volunteers from the alumni association and the community. This gallery will be updated throughout the summer as the project progresses.
The Marching Band of Mariners!
The WKHS Band of Mariners traveled to Bayfield, WI on Sunday, October 8 to participate in the 56th annual Bayfield Apple Festival parade. Here is the band's Applefest Page.
William M. Kelley High School – Class of 1967 Reunion
The William M. Kelley High School class of 1967 celebrated their 50th reunion July 7-9, 2017 during the annual Bay Days Celebration in Silver Bay, MN. See who attended in this photograph!
If you would like us to send you a .jpg file of this photo, please send an email to mariners@wksalumni.com.
Reserve Mining Company & Silver Bay – Memorabilia
Many WKS alumni have kept items from their years in Silver Bay. Some relate to Reserve Mining Company in the form of photos, knick knacks or their family’s personal items. Others relate to the town itself such as advertising or handouts to promote a business. Please send photos of your “treasures” to photos@wksalumni.com so we can include them in this gallery that others may enjoy the memories.
William Kelley School – Memorabilia
Our WKS alumni have saved memorabilia from their years in the schools of Silver Bay. Please send photos of your school-related items to photos@wksalumni.com. We will include them in this gallery to bring back memories of our school days in Silver Bay!
Life and Times of Rocky Taconite
For years, Rocky has kept company with his loyal companion, Andy Buehl. Rocky loves a camera and, in 2014, asked Andy to begin documenting his travels and his life. Rocky has become quite famous as a result of this, to the point of being featured on WCCO-TV in Minneapolis. This collection of photographs represents a portion of Andy's collection documenting Rocky's life. We know Rocky gets around and many of you have seen him on your travels or witnessed him in his daily activities. Please email your photos of Rocky to photos@wksalumni.com and we will add them to this collection.